Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Hobbit Movie

My brothers, sisters and I have been following the hobbit movie blog sense we found out they were making The Hobbit, they hadn't even started filming yet! So that was probably sometime last fall. Anyhow, we have enjoyed keeping up with their progress and watching the production videos! It's so cool seeing all the places they are filming at and what actors they are choosing, I mean, most people didn't know it was even coming out until what? December? I feel like I know all about whats going on there and how they are making it!...lol.
I have read the book and am really exited about seeing it in theater! In 3D!!!! We plan to see it for AJ's birthday (my brother), his birthday is the 13th and The Hobbit comes out the 14th! - Sarah

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Soul in Sepia

Anna came up with a new editing style in Sepia tone that is really cool, we did this collage of them.
Sarah (me), Anna, Morgan.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Speeking of Hunger Games...

I made this on Picnik, its kind of like what the did for The Hunger Games photos.
(I am in the middle, Callah is on the left and Anna on the right)

So I finished The Hunger Games, like two day after I bought it! I liked it a lot until the ending, not that there was really anything wrong with it except that you end up liking Peeta better than Katness. She seems so hard and cold sometimes, always in survival mode, which I guess is to be expected when you never know whether you will eat the next day, but i mean come on? She still needs to make friends or at least show that she cares for Peeta and others, especially after all they do for her.
Okay, I think I have told you all I think about Katness! You don't have to agree and I do still like her, but I suppose the author is trying to get you to like Peeta better anyway, why else would someone end a book like that?! I just need to read the second one, lol.